Marek Felšöci


After my first lecture in 2019, teaching has quickly bacome a passion for me and I continue to give lectures whenever I can. So far, I gave 255.33 hours of lectures.

Faculty of Computer science, University of Strasbourg

During the first semester of the 2023/2024 academic year, I was teaching in the first year of a Master's degree in computer science.

Compilation (72h)

This time, all my teaching was done in compilation. More precisely, I gave 48 hours of tutorials 1 and 24 hours of labs 2. As part of my activities, I also took part in the preparation of the exam subjects and the project.

Faculty of Computer science, University of Bordeaux

In 2020/2021 and 2021/2022, I was teaching various subjects in both the first and the third year of Bachelor's degree.

Object oriented programming (32h)

In autumn 2020, I ensured 32 hours of labs 2 of object oriented programming in Java in the third year of Bachelor's degree.

All the information about the course as well as the teaching materials are available online fr.png.

Databases and web applications (36h)

In spring 2021, I was assigned with 20 hours of integrated lectures 3 and 16 hours of labs 2 of relational databases and web applications in the first year of Bachelor's degree.

Digital skills and communication methods (13.33h)

In the autumn semester of 2021/2022, I gave around 13 hours of labs 2 of beginner's digital skills to the first year Bachelor's degree students. The idea of the course is to prepare the students to pass the national PIX fr.png certification at the end of semester.

Compilation (48h)

Then, in spring, I was really happy to be assigned with the tutorial sessions 1 and the labs 2 of compilation, 24 hours of each. I was truly in my element!

Lycée Sainte-Famille Saintonge, Bordeaux

Introduction to programming in C (54h)

In 2019/2020, I taught programming in C language to the students of senior technologist's certificate in computer science 4. The sessions combined lectures with practice in the spirit of an integrated lecture 3.

Given that it was the first year of this curriculum in the institution, I was also brought to propose an education plan, prepare the courses as well as exercices and exams. The coronavirus crisis made my work even more difficult as most of the lectures of the second semester had to be done remotely. Nevertheless, it was a very valuable experience!

The teaching materials, exercices, exam and project assignments are available online fr.png.


The total number of hours I tought so far appearing in the very first paragraph of this page is dynamically determined during the export of this page to HTML thanks to the code block below.

;; Set up a counter of teaching hours.
(setq teaching-hours 0)

(defun count-teaching-hours-at-heading ()
  ;; Extract the number of teaching hours from a headline using pattern
  ;; matching.
  (let ((heading (org-element-property :title (org-element-at-point))))
     (string-match "\(\\([0-9]+\\(\.[0-9]+\\)?\\)h\)$" heading)
     (setq teaching-hours
           (+ teaching-hours (string-to-number (match-string 1 heading)))))))

;; Call the extraction function on all the headings of level 2 in the current
;; buffer.
(org-map-entries #'count-teaching-hours-at-heading "LEVEL=2" nil)

;; Print out the result.
(print teaching-hours)



referred to as travaux dirigés in French


referred to as travaux pratiques in French


referred to as cours intégrés in French; combine both lecture time and exercices, unlike lectures in auditoriums called cours magitraux in French


referred to as Brevet de technicien supérieur or BTS in French

Last update on 11/02/2024

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